Children’s Challenge: All Sorts
This challenge take you on a journey through lots of different kinds of poems to find the answers to all sorts of questions. You will need to use the search bar in Let’s Explore to discover the answers - You can search using particular words or the name of the poet. Enjoy listening to the poems too.
The answers are below – no peeking until you are finished!
1. What kind of glue must you use in Laura Mucha’s poem ‘Collage’?
2. What do the far away stars do in Grace Nichol’s poem ‘Cosmic Disco’?
3. Which watery creatures are in Berlie Doherty’s poem ‘If You were a Carrot’?
4. What is there an echo of in John Foster’s poem ‘Inside a Shell’?
5. What does the Bluebottle move like in Judith Nicholl’s poem ‘Bluebottle’?
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1) traditional Japanese
2) 'explode on the dance floor of infinity'
3) 'a tadpole and a frog'
4) 'a wish'