Pirate Pete

Pirate Pete
had a ship on the sea
had a fish for his tea
had a peg for a knee

and a tiny little parrot called . . . Polly

Pirate Pete
had a book with a map
had a skull on his cap
had a cat on his lap

and another little parrot called . . . Dolly

Pirate Pete
had a trunk full of treasure
had a belt made of leather
had a cap with a feather

and another little parrot called . . . Jolly

Pirate Pete
had a patch on his eye
had a flag he would fly
had a plank way up high

and another little parrot called . . . Molly

So Pirate Pete
and the parrots four
they sailed the world
from shore to shore –
collecting gold
and gifts galore.
And that’s their tale –
there is no more!

Copyright: from Hey, Little Bug! Poems for Little Creatures (Frances Lincoln, 2011), © James Carter 2011, used by permission of the author and the publisher

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James’s poems are full of daydreams and music. They’re often highly playful but beneath their fun have a little extra message to think ...

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