Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2023
Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a celebration of poetry written by young people in the languages they speak as a first language or at home, or in a language they are learning at school. The Project is run by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages which supports and celebrates language learning in all Scotland’s Schools. Mother Tongue Other Tongue is open to all young linguists in Scotland aged 4 – 18 and celebrates not only language skills but also creativity and cultural diversity.
Entrants are invited to submit an original poem written in a language other than English; an opportunity for young poets to showcase their learning, heritage and love of languages. The competition attracts entries written in a wide variety of languages and is open to entries in British Sign Language (BSL).
Poetry Archive produced a collection of winning entries from Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2022. We are delighted to bring you this collection of winning entries from the 2023 competition.