The News

Here is The News:
‘Two incredible shoes.
Two incredible shoes.
That’s The News.

When it rains
they walk down drains.

They glow
in the snow.

They grizzle
in a drizzle.

They sneeze
in a breeze.

They get warm
in a storm.

They go soggy
when it’s foggy.

They’ve even hissed
in a mist.

(sad to say)
there came a terrible frost.
This is what happened:
they got lost.’

That was The News.
Two incredible shoes.
Two incredible shoes.
That was The News.

Copyright: from Michael Rosen's Book of Nonsense (Hodder , 1998), copyright © Michael Rosen 1998, used by permission of the author

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Michael Rosen was born and brought up in London. He says his parents were people who loved jokes, stories and songs. His father used to ...

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