Soft as the Blanket

I can touch a coin and tell you
if it’s heads or if it’s tails.
I can taste a loaf of bread
and swear the baker wore blue shoes.
Say a daft thing and make me grin,
I’m as soft as the blanket
you wrapped me in.

One silver raindrop on my tongue
and I feel the height of its fall.
If I brush a feather along my wrist
I know the miles it flew.
Say a daft thing and make me grin,
I’m as soft as the blanket
you wrapped me in.

If I touch my lips to a stem of grass
I know what hour it was cut.
If I smell a yellow pencil
I’ll tell you the last word it wrote.
Say a daft thing and make me grin,
I’m as soft as the blanket
you wrapped me in.

I can taste in a grain of salt
the whale-songs of the sea.
If I touch your sleepy head I know
the colour of your dreams.
Say a daft thing and make me grin,
I’m as soft as the blanket
you wrapped me in.

Copyright: from If You Could See Laughter (Salt, 2010), © Mandy Coe, 2010, used by permission of the author and Salt Publishing

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Mandy’s poems are filled with joy and delight and often explore and mirror the movements you might make as you run and play.  The ...

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