The Shoes
These are the shoes
Dad walked about in
When we did jobs
In the garden,
When his shed
Was full of shavings,
When he tried
To put the fence up,
When my old bike
Needed mending,
When the car
Could not get started,
When he got up late
On Sunday.
These are the shoes
Dad walked about in
And I’ve kept them
in my room.
These are not the shoes
That Dad walked out in
When we didn’t know
Where he was going,
When I tried to lift
His suitcase,
When he said goodbye
And kissed me,
When he left his door-key
On the table,
When he promised Mum
He’d send a postcard,
When I couldn’t hear
His special footsteps.
These are not the shoes
That Dad walked out in
But he’ll need them
When he comes back home.
Copyright: from Back to Midnight (Puffin, 1994) first published in The Mad Parrot’s Countdown (Peterloo, 1990) © John Mole 1990, used by permission of the author